Title: Tenipuri Musical Box - Apr 09
Date of release: Early April 09
Price: 2,730 yen (inclusive of tax)
Description: Tune played is "Dear Prince ~ Tennisu no Oujisama tachi e". 4 photos to be used interchangeably in the photo frame-styled musical box
Produced by: Movick
2 件のコメント:
I tried to go to the movic.jp to look for this music box. and also tried to google it and can only find your blog.
Any help would be great. but my japanese is very limited.
Thank you for your time.
Hi Anonymous,
From what I understand, this is an item exclusively sold by Movic. In addition, given that this was actually released in April and there would probably be preorders before the launch date, my guess is that this item could be sold out if Movic no longer lists it on its site. Sorry for being unable to help in getting this item.