木曜日, 6月 11, 2009

Tenipuri Fastener Accessory - Apr 09

Title: Tenipuri Fastener Accessory - Apr 09
Total number of patterns: 8
A: Echizen / B: Tezuka / C: Fuji / D: Atobe / E: Oshitari / F: Yukimura / G: Sanada / H: Niou
Date of release: Early Apr 09
Price: 525 yen (inclusive of tax)
Description: Fastener accessory bearing the character's image in school uniform and the school emblem
Produced by: Movick

2 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

Do you sell this?? if you do, can you please let me know at fruti_loop@hotmail.com
Thanks! ^^

Chiaki さんのコメント...

Hi, I do not sell any of the merchandise featured on this site. I am merely providing a source of information for fans who may wish to get the items if they visit Japan. I'm afraid to disappoint you that you wouldn't be able to get these items through me because I don't have them too.

Thanks for visiting this site. ^__^