Title: Tennis no Oujisama On The Radio - RIKKAI Special Radio
Date: 27 March 2010 (Saturday)
1st session details:
Assembly time - 9.30am / Event starts at 10.30am
Guests: Masuda Yuki (Niou Masaharu) & Tsuda Eisuke (Yagyuu Hiroshi)
2nd session details:
Assembly time: 12.15pm / Event starts at: 1.15pm
Guests: Nagai Sachiko (Yukimura Seiichi) & Takemoto Eiji (Yanagi Renji)
Venue: Tokyo Big Site Higashi 1 Hall Stage 2
How to get tickets: Purchase Tenipuri-related CDs worth more than JPY 1,000 from 8 March 2010 at designated Animate stores to get one ticket. There are two types of tickets i.e. the sitting and standing seats. Choose the type you want at the time of purchase. However, this ticket does not include the admission charges to the Tokyo International Anime Fair 2010.
Stores which you can get tickets:
1st session - Animate Ikebukuro HQ Store
2nd session - Animate Shibuya Store
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