Title: Tennis no Oujisama OVA Fan Disc ~ Message in Bottle ~
Date of release: 22 December 2009
Price: 2,625 yen
Total running time: 50 minutes
Catalog number: BCBA-3699
Produced by: Bandai EMOTION
Premium: Illustrations of the main staff members and liner notes
1) Message in a bottle (New picture drama)
Synopsis: Atobe picks up a bottle which contains a message and throws it into the sea again. Seigaku and Rikkaidai members then pick up the bottle...
2) Chara-puri - Higa & Shitenhouji
Mini-corners introducing members from Higa and Shitenhouji plus special versions for Touyama Kintarou and Oshitari Kenya
3) Behind-the-scenes for the OVA production
4) Digest footage of Tenipuri Festa 2009 held on 6 Sep
5) PV & CM Collection
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