Title: Tennis no Oujisama OVA ANOTHER STORY ~ Kako to Mirai no Message Vol.2
Price: 5,250 yen (inclusive of tax)
Date of release: 25 September 2009
Catalog number: BCBA-3479
Produced by: Bandai Visual
Number of discs: 1
Track List:
1) Part 2 of Naniwa no Oujisama
2) Rikkai Retsuden ~ Ouja ni Idomu Hangyakuji (Rikkai Passionate Legend ~ The rebellious guy who challenged the King)
Basically, this is the story of how Kirihara joined the tennis club and was defeated flatly by the Top 3 i.e. Yukimura, Sanada and Yanagi. As such, this is why the members in the team look younger than their Year 3 and Year 2 stage. Sanada looks so good even with just half of his face shown...I must be going nuts over him again. ^__^ Akaya looks so cute...much more than Echizen, in my opinion.
Premium footage: Aru Hi no Oshitari 2 - This time round, it will be Oshitari Kenya and the clip features a comedy skit involving Seigaku and Shitenhouji players.
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