Title: Tenipuri tte Ii na / Smile
Artiste: Konomi Takeshi
Date of release: 19 August 2009
Catalog number: NECM-16001
Price: 1,680 yen (inclusive of tax)
Premium: Special CD Jacket bearing 70 Tenipuri characters illustrated by Konomi-sensei / Comic "Shin Tennis no Oujisama" printed in the CD lyrics booklet
Track List:
1) Tenipuri tte Ii na
Lyrics and Melody: Konomi Takeshi
Arrangement: Sasaki Shu (SCRIPT)
2) Smile
Lyrics and Melody: Konomi Takeshi
Arrangement: Sasaki Shu (SCRIPT)
3) Adventure Hero (Bonus Track)
Lyrics: Konomi Takeshi
Melody & Arrangement: Sasaki Shu (SCRIPT)
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