To commemorate the release of "50/50" by Echizen Ryoma and Toyama Kintarou, there will be a special talk show held on 4 April, Saturday at 2.30pm. Seiyuus Minagawa Junko and Sugimoto Yuu will be at the event along with special guests, UZA and Kondo Kaoru. Details of the event as follows:
Date: 4 April 2009
Venue: Yotsuya Kumin Hall (Yotsuya, Tokyo)
Venue opens at: 2pm
Event starts at: 2.30pm
Event ends at: 4pm
How to get tickets: Pre-order or purchase the CD, "50/50" due to be released on 1 April at Animate stores located in Ikebukuro (HQ), Shibuya, Akihabara, Kichioji, Tachikawa, Hachioji, Machida, Gamoda, Yokohama, Kawasaki, Oomiya and Kawagoshi. You will be given one ticket to the event at these stores.
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