水曜日, 10月 04, 2006

Otanjoubi Omedetou, Atobe Keigo!

Today's the birthday of one of my favourite Top 3 i.e. Atobe Keigo, the charismatic and egoistic bucchou from Hyotei Gakuen! Seems like he has a larger-scale birthday celebration this year as compared to last year since there's a long-awaited birthday birthday on 4 Oct and a series of activities featuring his seiyuu, Suwabe Junichi in conjunction with the launch. As of today, I've yet to receive his album, "The Ultimate Hard Worker" so I'll just provide his official profile from fanbook 20.5 on this special day and follow up with a review of the album as soon as I can.

Name: Atobe Keigo
School: Hyotei Gakuen Year 3
Date of birth: 4 Oct
Zodiac Sign: :Libra
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 62 kg
Blood Group: A
Play-style: Right-handed, all-rounder
Favourite shoes: HEAD C.Tech 1000OM
Favourite racket: HEAD PREMIER TOUR 600
Specialty technique: Hametsu no Rondo, Insight
Favourite food: Roast beef with Yorkshire pudding
Hobbies: Fly-fishing, reading
Family members: Grandparents and parents
Father's occupation: Employee at a securities firm
Subjects good at: All (especially Greek)
Favourite colours: Gold and black
Favourite type of girl: One who hates to lose

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