Today's the birthday of Kamio Akira, the speedster from Fudoumine! As we know it, Kamio's strength lies in his speed on the court and he's not called the speed demon of Fudoumine for nothing. Due to his obsession with speed, this seems to have influenced his temperament to a large extent that he flares up easily when provoked. It is especially obvious when he's with Momo or the matter involves An. Nevertheless, his behaviour doesn't get on my nerves as much as his hairstyle which covers half of his face where I find the latter more annoying. However, I still find Kamio a joy to watch most of the times since he provides much comical relief during "clashes" with Momo.
Name: Kamio Akira
Date of Birth: 26 Aug
School: Fudoumine Junior High, Year 2
Height: 165cm
Weight: 52kg
Blood Group: O
Play-style: Right-handed, counter puncher
Favourite shoes: NEW BALANCE WCT 800
Favourite racket: DUNLOP XL Mega Impedance Titanium
Special Technique: Sonic Bullet
Favourite Food: Hourensou no Ohitashi and Portofu
Hobbies: Music and karaoke
Family: Parents and Elder sister
Father's Occupation: Employee of travel agency
Subjects good at: Sports (running) and music
Favourite colours: flourescent yellow and green
Favourite trait in girls: Cute smiles
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