Today's the 36th birthday of Konomi Takeshi-sensei, the creator of Tenipuri! His hometown is in Osaka and he graduated from Toukai University. In 1993, Konomi-sensei made his debut as a manga-ka with "Tetsujin~Sekai Ichi Katai Otoko" and Tennis no Oujisama is his 3rd series which began in 1999. His second comic series was "COOL RENTAL BODY GUARD" which started in 1997 via Shuukan Shounen Jump just like Tenipuri. He used to be a tennis instructor and had also taken part in the Tenipuri anime as a seiyuu. Besides these, Konomi-sensei also wrote songs for Fuji Shuusuke's album, "BREATH" and "eyes" and even sang a duet with Minagawa Junko who plays the lead character Echizen Ryoma in the mini-album, "PROGRESS". Last but not least, he has also appeared in Tennis no Oujisama on the Radio (Rajipuri for short) as a special guest.
Profile (according to fanbook 10.5)
Play-style: Right-handed
Height: 180cm
Blood Type: O
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Favourite Shoes: FILA
Favourite Racket: BRIDGESTONE Dynabeam Grandea
Specialty Technique: Jumping Smash
Favourite Food: Sashimi, sushi, crab, karage (deep-fried chicken) and Japanese wine
2 件のコメント:
Wah, he's already 36!!
POT is 7 years now. And it will last more than 1 year.
Well, considering that he made his debut as early as in 1993, he can be considered as a veteran manga-ka in a sense. Anyway, he doesn't look like he's 36 at all. ^__^