Favourite Characters:
No.1 Tezuka Kunimitsu (Seigaku) and Sanada Genichirou (Rikkaidai)
I don't know who to place first so I'm putting them in the same position.
The rest are listed not in order of preference since it's really hard to rank them:-
The rest of Seigaku i.e. Fuji, Echizen, Momo, Oishi, Eiji, Taka-san, Inui, Kaidou.
From Hyotei - Atobe Keigo (who can resist this Ore-sama no bigi? ^__^), Oshitari Yuushi (Kansai-ben rocks!), Ootori Choutarou (such a sweet guy who's scared of frogs), Shishido Ryo (his determination impresses me and he does look good with shorter hair) and Akutagawa Jiro (Suge kawaii!!!)
From Fudoumine - Tachibana Kiipei (a strong player yet to display his full potential), Kamio Akira (for his constant squabbles with Momo), Ibu Shinji (for his mumbling)
From Yamabuki - Sengoku Kiyosumi (he's so cute and funny! Zero resistance when it comes to girls and he was simply fantastic against that Bobby Max during Singles 3)
From Rokkaku - Amane Hikaru aka Dabide (Lame jokes/dajare which make you wonder whether to laugh at the joke or him), Saeki Koujiro (good looking and he's a strong player to be able to see through Eiji. Looks good with Fuji too although not in the yaoi sense.)
From Jousei Shonan - only Kajimoto Takahisa (he's good in terms of skills and looks. His team must be the one I dislike the most so far.)
From Rikkaidai - Kirihara Akaya (cute yet like a devil on the courts), Yanagi Renji (his match with Inui was simply fabulous although his eyes remain closed 100% of the time unlike Fuji), Yukimura Seiichi (yasashii na buuchou...bishonen-type).
Favourite Matches:
1) Tezuka vs Atobe (Kantou First Round)
2) Inui vs Yanagi (Kantou Finals)
3) Momo/Kaidou vs Marui/Kuwahara (Kantou Finals)
4) Echizen vs Akutsu (Tokyo Finals)
5) Momo vs Sengoku (Tokyo Finals)
6) Fuji vs Akutagawa (Kantou First Round)
7) Echizen vs Sanada (Kantou Finals)
8) Fuji vs Kirihara (Kantou Finals)
9) Inui/Kaidou vs Shishido/Ootori (Kantou First Round)
10) Kikumaru/Momo vs Oshitari/Mukahi (Kantou First Round)
11) Kawamura vs Kabaji (Kantou First Round)
12) Echizen vs Ibu (District Finals)
13) Kaidou vs Kamio (District Finals)
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