土曜日, 11月 04, 2006

Tenipuri Shueisha Calendar 2007

I received the Tenipuri Shueisha Calendar 2007 on last Friday but only managed to take some shots of it and post this review one week later. There's also the anime version's calendar which I suppose I will take another week to follow up with a review. Sorry about the delay because I'm very busy these days and can hardly find time to update my blogs.

The picture on the left shows the front cover of the calendar which is organised in a weekly format. Besides the monthly separator which is in colour, the rest of the pictures are in black and white. Another significant difference between the 2007 and this year's version would be the orientation since 2007 is in the landscape format while 2006 is in potrait form.

In the 2006 version, each sheet comes with a signature line spoken by the characters but in 2007, you will either see a feature of some siginificant matches so far or a brief profile of the characters. I have taken some pictures from January including the feature on matches between Akutagawa Jirou & Fuji Shuusuke (Kantou Tournament Round 1 Singles 2) as well as Atobe Keigo & Tezuka Kunimitsu (Kantou Tournament Round 1 Singles 1). There's also the features on Tezuka and Echizen provided in the first month. I won't be scanning the entire calendar and post the pictures but I may use some of the images for future birthday features in 2007.

Overall, I feel that the production quality of the 2007 version is slightly better than 2006's. At least the paper stand is more stable and doesn't crumble as easily as the 2006 version. Besides that, the resolution of the pictures are higher. I also like the idea of having recaps on past matches which brings back nostalgic memories of some of our favourite clashes prior to the Nationals. However, I think the profile part may not be as extensive as what we would have wanted since there's limited space to cover the huge number of characters we have from each school. There's bound to be some complaints about some characters being left out but what I can't really comprehend is why the appearance order of the characters is not synchronised with their birth months e.g. why Echizen and Tezuka appears in January when their birthdays are in Dec and Oct respectively. Nevertheless, I'm still quite satisfied with my purchase despite my little grouses.

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