日曜日, 10月 03, 2004

Watashi no Profile

It's been some time since I started on this blog but I've not posted this yet. Something just feels missing if I don't do this soon but it will just be a short one since I'll add on whenever I think of something...

Name: Chiaki
Date of Birth: 27 March 1982
Location: Singapore
Current occupation: Struggling in a sickening job facing sickening people (Sigh...)

Pastime: J-ent related stuff like dramas, variety shows, music and of course anime and manga, surfing the Net, playing games
Anime: Prince of Tennis, Slam Dunk (one of the first I got started on), Kindaichi Shonen no Jikenbo, Tantei Gakuen Q
Manga: Prince of Tennis, Slam Dunk, Kindaichi Shonen no Jikenbo, Hyoryu Kyoshitsu, Tantei Gakuen Q, Psychometrer Eiji, Itazura Na Kiss
Music: Mostly J-music (pop, rock, R & B) and older English songs
Artistes: TOKIO, V6, Arashi (just to name a few)
Colours: Black, Blue
Food: Chicken, seafood (prawns and crab)
Drink: Plain water

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