While walking along the array of toy machines at Anime Festival Asia 2012, I happened to see this Tenipuri machine selling handphone accessories of Echizen, Atobe, Yukimura, Shiraishi and Shiu. Too bad there wasn't Tezuka nor Sanada on offer or I would have tried my luck here to see if I can get any of my Top 3's handphone accessories. Nonetheless, it was still a pleasant surprise seeing something related to Tenipuri-related. Although I no longer follow the manga actively, I finished watching the new anime series some months ago. Just that it's been difficult to find time to write something about that series but as long as this blog is still up and running, I'll still pop by to write some Tenipuri-related stuff, albeit not as often as I would like. In case you are concerned that this blog will be closed, rest assured that it won't happen in the near future. Having spent so much time on this over a couple of years, I'll still like to have the content up here in case new fans of Tenipuri need some resources to refer to.
Till the next update then!